What Are the 4 Introvert Personality Types?

So, you’ve decided you want to learn more about the 4 Introvert Personality Types? Well, you’ve come to the right place! So, let’s get started!

It may surprise you, but not all introverts are alike. In fact, there are 4 different introvert personality types.

As a fellow quiet person, I’d love to just sit with you and chat about your ‘vertedness.’ Not just to overload you with facts and figures and data you probably won’t care about.

But as one introvert to another, just talking and learning together about the introvert, and a little about extroverts, too!

Did you know?

Jonathan Cheek, a professor at Wellesley College, teaches a method he calls S.T.A.R., which stands for the first letter of the names of the 4 introvert personality types: social, thinking, anxious, and restrained.

Let’s see what they’re all about.

Social Introverts

Shy introverted woman behind teal scarf

Social introverts are most likely to be called shy or timid. A lot of people think that being an introvert means that you are shy. This is a misconception. Of the four personality types, only the social introvert is known for being shy or timid.

Thinking Introverts

Thinking introverts have vivid imaginations and spend a good deal of time in their make-believe worlds. The thinking introvert personality is known for being thoughtful, kind, and reflective.

Anxious Introverts

Anxious introverts are perhaps most well known for their dislike of being in the spotlight. Look around the outer edges of the room, and you will probably find several anxious introverts. Because they are so reluctant to be at the center of attention, they try to avoid others and especially avoid social events of all sizes. 

Also, anxious introverts become very apprehensive before social affairs. Even after the event is over, they cannot relax for some time because they obsess over the things they should have said better, or that they shouldn’t have said at all.

Restrained Introverts

Restrained introverts are also known as Reserved introverts. These introverts are difficult to get close to. They keep a significant ‘safety bubble’ around themselves until they become comfortable with others. Restrained introverts are often seen as unemotional, yet may come off as thoughtful or grounded. Interestingly, they are not seen as shy or avoiding relationships with others.

Self-care For Introverts of All Types

All introverts will do well to learn and be intentional about spending quality time alone, especially after attending an event or meeting with a large group of people. Even after a day of work, it’s good to take even a few minutes to do some deep breathing or meditation before joining your family for the evening.

Because introverts’ quiet, alone time is how they recharge their energy, they should regularly practice whatever best helps them relax and rejuvenate.

Try some of the following activities to find out what works best for you: reading, working out, practicing yoga, meditating, hiking, enjoying nature, or watching a movie. Other possibilities include daydreaming or thinking about the book you’re reading and imagining it as a movie. Or, if you like, reclining in a relaxing bath with your favorite scented candle nearby.

Some final thoughts

Take time for yourself. Take time to watch funny movies or sitcoms. Read lighthearted books. Learn to laugh at yourself and the silly things that happen in life.

People-watch at the mall – imagine who the people are, where they are going, and what their lives may be like. Enjoy life to its fullest and without regret to the extent you are able. Take a long walk and enjoy the beauty and grace of the world in which we live.

Be well and love life!

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